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*NH Residents Only* Hardship eligiblility Notice: You can save $270 on IDCMP for Hardship. To Qualify you must be on: TANF (temporary assistance to needy families), SSI (social security income), SSDI (social security disability income), Veteran Disability or State Supplemental Program Financial Assistance. You will need to send our office proof of NH residency as well as proof of current/active participation in one of the above programs. Send this proof in the message portal or to This must be done PRIOR TO IDCMP INTAKE. We will issue you approval letter of Hardship that will discount intake and education class. DISCOUNTS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS IF YOU ARE APPROVED: You will not have to pay $70 at intake to State of NH and your 20 hour IDEP class will be half off - saving $200

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