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Common Questions

We know the most common things IDCMP clients ask ever since 2013.

Sites and Links

All the links and info you will need as well as links to state pages outlining laws/rules

Steps for Relicensure

Step by step explanation with links to help you get thru IDCMP​

Chrysalis Support

Our friendly staff help you every step of the way thru the IDCMP here how....

Cost of IDCMP

The costs of the IDCMP, and other related expenses to consider following a DWI.

Rule Changes 2024

New rules were approved and set into effect for 2024 see the changes here.

How Do I Get My License Back?


In all types of convictions, clients must have a Successful Completion from a state approved IDCMP in order to be eligible for license reinstatement. All IDCMP’s notify the sentencing court(s), prosecutors, DMV, attorney (if applicable) and BDAS after completion of client intakes, completion of evaluations, completions of required treatment and education programs, eligible compliance reports and non-compliance reports and transfers. When you have completed all the required steps, turned in all documents and paid all fees - you will be completed and once your time is up from DMV/Court - and you pay the $100 reinstatement fee to the DMV and obtain your SR22 and interlock if needed, then get your license back. This process can last from one week, to years, depending on the client.


Can I take the 20 hour class other reasons?


Yes! Sometimes other people need to take this class following a SAP evaluation to complete an alcohol and drug education program, other times a court order or parent requests a person to complete an education program. Our curriculum is a 20 hour program which uses an evidence based best practice curriculums of which we utilize:  PRI - Prime for Life education as well as Change Companies - Responsible Decisions.  We have a SAP Education Only intake packet we can email to you or Education Only intake packet.  Call for more information.


I do not have insurance and cannot afford the recommended counseling, what can I do?

If you do not have insurance, please know that NH Medicaid may be eligible to you. If you are unemployed or do not have insurance offered through your work, help is available! For more info please go to: and check your eligibility. Also our staff are all knowledgeable about the NH options.  You also could buy your own insurance during open enrollment from Ambetter or the Marketplace for commercial insurance such as BCBS, Harvard Pilgrim etc. NH Insurance options  to see about getting your own insurance.  If you still are not eligible for insurance, Chrysalis offers a self pay rate for all counseling and evaluation services. We also offer all active duty and veteran clients have 10% off every session.


What are the Steps are the DWI or DUI program following my Conviction?


(Book your intake as soon as possible after conviction, the law mandates you are in for intake within 14 days so book online or call to get scheduled and learn what documents you need to bring. You will need time to get your necessary documentation needed - see below)


  • Complete Chrysalis Online "IDCMP Intake Packet".  That will take you thru our online intake packet, it will allow you to upload any documents and forms you have, and then it will redirect you at the end to pay for and schedule your intake from our online calendar in as little as one business day.
  • You also can call our office at 603-998-4210 and we can email or text you the intake packet or mail if you do not have access to internet.
  • Keep your appointment for your scheduled intake!  Missed intake appointments cost $100, regardless if you go to another agency, you will be required to pay fees owed to all IDCMP's prior to reinstatement. 
  • Complete your INTAKE/SCREENING over telehealth from the comfort of your own home or at our Concord NH office in person for your IDCMP program within 14 days of your conviction.  (*If you served jail time you have 30 days from the date of your release to have your intake appointment.) 
  • If it is determined that you need an EVALUATION - this must be done within 30 days of your conviction. (If you went to jail, within 60 days from your release of HOC.) This appointment will be done over telehealth or at our Concord or Franklin location.
  • Who is required by NH Law to complete a Substance Use Disorder Evaluation – if screened positive during intake you are required to complete an evaluation with a LADC/MLADC. The evaluation is required if you have had any of the following: 

1) more then 1 lifetime DUI offense in ANY state;

2) for a BAC at arrest was .16 or higher;

3) underage (under 21) dwi offense;

4) the client refused to take breath or blood test and has form of refusal

5) testing tools. scores and interview in intake/screening may also mandate evaluation is completed.

  • If aftercare treatment is required, you may begin counseling sessions, even before you take the 20 Hr. Education piece. During this evaluation, the client and counselor will develop a Service Plan - which will go over what the client has to do to get their license back. You may be required to do AFTERCARE COUNSELING OR TREATMENT with an IDSP in NH, or with a licensed/certified drug and alcohol counselor in the state the client lives in.  Out-of-state clients will need to ensure they sign a release of information for their counselor, so we can send them the evaluation/service plan, completion of counseling and requirements for OOS counselor.  The clinician conducting the eval will give clients a list of all the NH providers approved for IDSP, and clients can always choose to stay at Chrysalis for their Counseling.  Clients must start the counseling or treatment recommendations within 30 days of the evaluation to remain in Compliance with the IDCMP.

  • If you were given treatment/counseling in the evaluation – then you are required to complete 2x per month contacts with us for case management (until you have been completed from our program). CARE/CASE MANAGEMENT is required by NH law/rules and has a monthly cost which continues until completion of program.  You will complete your twice monthly case management contacts by:  

1) complete your case management journal emailed to you and available in the portal every 3 weeks.​

2) have a once monthly telehealth case management appointment, face to face, with a Chrysalis case manager once per month.

3) pay $80 per month for case management

  • If AFTERCARE COUNSELING or TREATMENT SUCH AS IOP, PHP or RESIDENTIAL was recommended following your evaluation - you must successfully complete all counseling sessions and the LADC/MLADC or facility must have send the IDCMP a completion report that you did the recommendations.
  • Complete your 20 Hour State Approved Education program and these classes are currently only offered over ZOOM from your own home or from our Concord office quarterly (referred to by the state as IDEP - impaired driver education program or WIDEP - weekend impaired driver education program.) Click here for class schedule.  
  • If you are coming in and you have already recently completed a program in another state and NH said you need to do a NH IDCMP - we offer what is called an OUT OF STATE PROGRAM REVIEW.  This reviews the intake, evaluation, treatment done, class done, compliance of programming, urine/breath tests and review of your required documents to see if we can process your completion to NH without requiring anything additionally.  **Please note - NH law requires a 20 hour education class.  If your program was less then 20 hours - you will have to take our 20 hour class.**
  • Following the completion of your class, finishing all the counseling or required treatment, turning in all documents and all fees paid - you will be issued a COMPLIANCE REPORT to bring to the court or give to your attorney.  This document will allow you to file your 'Motion for Early Reinstatement'. We will give you a template of exactly how to fill out your motion for early reinstatement if you did not have an attorney.  Once you are given this document - it is the client’s responsibility to deliver it to the court and request the motion. You will not get your license back without completing this step!    form.
  • All program components require: On Time Attendance and Active Participation in the Program.
  • Following the successful completion of the program and service plan requirements, and payment of all fees, a COMPLETION REPORT will be sent to the Court and DMV within 5 business days. Likewise, any non-compliance reports, terminations etc. will also be sent to the DMV, the referring Court and prosecutor, and BDAS.
  • You may then go to the DMV and apply for re-licensure when you are reinstatable. You will need to ensure you have any DMV required needs in place such as: Interlock or SR-22.




What does "IDCMP" Mean?

Impaired Driver Care Management Program - successful completion of the IDCMP is mandatory for reinstatement. 


What are the total costs of the IDCMP?


Intake/Screening - $176.80 (for fulltime NH residents) this includes fees for the Intake and Treasurer State of NH fee  - Due at intake or when you book yourself intake online (*unless your qualify for reduced fee below) and this is $100 intake, $70 to state of NH.

Evaluation - $286.00  (if required) – Due at Evaluation (can be paid at intake or anytime prior to appointment in portal)

Impaired Driver Education Program/Class - $416.00 due when signing up for class

Out of State Intake/Screening - $436.80  - Due at intake or when your book your intake online and includes the $70 fee to state of NH.

Out of State Program Review - $364.00


$60 Case Management Fee – if you screened positive and needed an Eval which resulted in Service Plan. This is a monthly required contact x2, until the completion of the program.


*$75 – No Call No Show Fee or Cancellation with less than 24 hours for Intake.

*$100 – No Call No Show Fee or Cancellation with less than 24 hours for Evaluation.

* Not Common – but Court Hearings you pay $100 per day - for each day CRC is required to attend court sentencing about a client’s non-compliance with program.



What is the Reduced Fee for Hardship and Who Qualifies?



If you are on:



- TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)

- Social Security Disability

- APTD (Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled)

- Old age assistance

- Veteran Financial Assistance


then you can qualify for a hardship. You will need to bring to your first appointment proof of your enrollment in the above program. Clients who are approved shall be eligible to save money in two areas:

1. Reduced Fee clients will NOT BE REQUIRED to pay $70 to the Treasurer State of NH

2. Reduced Fee clients will have the education class fee cut in half. (From $300 to $150).



What Happens During the Intake Appointment?


During the Intake Appointment the intake coordinator will have reviewed your documents, your signed consent forms, reviewed your testing tools and online intake packet.  During the phone call, clients will be given orientation to the program and its requirements, discuss the DWI event with you and this data will be computed to determine the findings of the likelihood of a substance use disorder based upon NH Code of Administrative Rules. You may be required to complete an Evaluation, which will be booked during that intake appointment if it is needed.



What Documents Are Needed?



1. A recent current original certified copy of your NH DMV record and a current DMV record from any state where you have had a previous DWI and/or where you currently hold a driver’s license. To obtain you NH DMV record, please click here.

2. The District Court or Superior Court Order or Case Summary given to you in Court, indicating your Conviction. (Given to you in court) or you can call the courts and have it emailed the same day you call, call 1-855-212-1234

3. Documentation of the blood tests or Breathalyzer tests done, or documentation of your refusal to complete the BAC or blood tests. (This is the pink form that allowed you to drive for 30 days and it will show either a BAC or a box checked as a refusal).

4. A copy of your Arrest Report with Narrative – or Discovery – from the police station that arrested you for your DWI. (Call, mail or go to the police station where you were arrested to make the request.)

5. If you have previously completed an Impaired Driver program within the past 5 years of your last conviction, prior to your completion from us we will need to have proof of your completion from that state approved program.  You can call the other program and ask for a letter showing dates of intake, dates of class and date of completion of program and send to us, or sign a release of information and we will request the record for you.

6. $70.00 payment to the "Treasurer - State of New Hampshire" collected by Chrysalis at your intake and then transmitted to the Treasurer. This fee may be waived if the client is found to be eligible for the Reduced Fee's For Hardship (He-A 505.02). Please see above for more information about who is eligible for Reduced Fee's.



What does the Evaluation Consist Of?  (Currently done over the phone)



In order for the evaluation to be completed, you must have already turned in your full arrest report and narrative.  If you have ever had more then 1 DWI/DUI in your lifetime, you will have to submitted all relevant driving records in order to have the evaluation.



The evaluation will be conducted by a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, LADC or a MLADC or someone actively working towards licensure that meets He-A 500 rules. During the evaluation you will be assessed and evaluated thru verbal and written methods. We will discuss your DWI, history and develop your service plan recommendations.




Do I have to Case Management?



YES! You are required by law to have twice monthly contacts with the IDCMP programs if you were given counseling or treatment recommendations




If I just don't want to do this program, or don't have the money....can I just not get my license back early, and wait the full loss time and then go the the DMV and get my license?



NO! This is a common misconception. Clients are usually offered a deal in court - something like "9 months loss of license, but if someone successfully completes an IDCMP program they can file a Motion for Early Reinstatement after 3 months loss of license". Some people think that if they just want the full 9 months, that they are not required to complete an IDCMP. This is inaccurate. You will suffer additional months of loss of license while you complete the required IDCMP and possible counseling. No person can get their license back after a DWI or a DUI without a successful IDCMP completion.




What happens if I just decide not to do this program once I Have enrolled? Or what if I am not participating in the calls for care management or completing required components?


Then you are not in compliance with the IDCMP.  If a client is not in compliance with us or any IDCMP, the program is required to notify:



1. The DMV

2. The Court

3. The Bureau of Alcohol and Drugs - DHHS

4. The client - of the notice of non-compliance being sent


Why does a Non-Compliance Matter??


We are required to file when you are not in compliance with the program.  Reasons include, not having intake or eval within required timeframes, not starting treatment outlined in service plans within 30 days, not doing case management contacts, not paying owed balances, being under influence of alcohol/drugs while participating in sessions and/or not responding to our attempts to contact you.  The Court and the Prosecutor, as well as the DMV have the right and often do Impose the remaining Sentence. Once a Non-Compliance is issued, clients are UNABLE to get any Early Reinstatement. Additionally, the court has the right to schedule a hearing and impose remaining sentence. We have also seen recently that the DMV mandates longer interlock requirements when you have non-compliance issued (we have seen 2 years).  Our advice, is stay compliant, keep your balance paid in full, stay in contact with your case manager and our office and ask any and all questions when you have them.  

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